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The Word of Testimony

An angel of the Lord said to John ...

Revelations 19:10 ... I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the Testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

The Lord spoke to me in this scripture as well as in instruction. The testimony of man has gone silent. So much so that they crave it through what is called reality TV, lies and deceit. We watch a small few tell us tall tales of life. We allow the current world media to allow us to forget that we do exist. That our lives tell a true story and they don't always include a dramatic cliff hanger to make us tune in next week.

However our lives are scripture. Our lives are the non-fiction that one another desire to hear. We read testimonials and youtube channels of real people and true situations. We believe it and take instruction but we never add a verse to this grand musical that has been playing for centuries.

We need you. We need to know what God is doing in your life to help us see the "reality" of Him. We often wonder sometimes is God real? Will He really answer my prayers. Is He only the God of the Bible or is He still the same God right now?

Don't let another day pass by that YOU don't tell someone about that miraculous moment in your life. The lesson God taught you or just how He made a way out of none. Some one needs to know. Someone needs to hear and BELIEVE.

This vlog is a series of testimonies that I have personally heard that encouraged me. Some may shock you and others may make you cry. But know that these stories are real and will prove that God is REAL and HE is waiting for you to just ask Him for help.

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their Testimony ...


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