Match your vibration to the Most High by taking a moment and intentionally seek the presence. When we pray the conversation structures your interactions and limits your time and experience. You truly conduct what happens because you are designing the atmosphere with your words and emotions. This experience is not that.
To interconnect with the Most High requires stillness, to just be in the presence. Requiring nothing but interaction and letting the time and insight flow. You are allowing yourself to connect and dwell in the secret place.
Next open your heart to the love of God. Embrace throughout your entire being and let it lift you up not just for the moment but forever. In this space allow the spiritual surgery to begin to heal and repair or restructure you just by being there. You are going through a regeneration that is changing your life.
Now most will only observe from afar (out of fear), few will connect to Most High to talk for a moment. But will you TAP IN and experience being fully present. Disconnecting from the distractions of the world to allow an extended interaction to become you.