All of these words derive from the Latinprefix “Omni” meaning “all.” Omnipresence refers to a God who exists everywhere all at once—the state of being widespread or constantly encountered—the fact of being present or having an effect everywhere at the same time--simultaneously.
Omnipotence describes an unlimited or very great power—potence meaning the state or quality of being physically strong and powerfulness, and Omniscience refers to an all-knowing God who is always good.
Omnibenevolent refers to our all loving God, all goodness and it could also mean perfect goodness. There is no place in which God’s knowledge and power do not extend. There is nothing God is unable to do. All things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26) All knowing, all seeing all, all hearing--God is always there…it our choice accept Him because He first choose us.
He tells us there’s life and death but choose life. It’s a fact that we can do nothing without Him, He can’t be hidden -- deal with it, repent, and let it go because we know better, we can’t hide anything from the Lord or God!!! Even when we may not accept and spend time with God in silence as he desires our hearts and minds, our God still loves us enough to cover us in our rebellion.
Time, just spending quiet time in the Lord’s presence will bring marvelous, wonderful working powers within our hearts, minds and lives!!