The feeling is mutual. Did you know that the Most High wants to connect with you. Yes the Creator of all things wants to not only sit with you but to be one with you daily. Never separate.
You may have heard the term, "let go and let God". These words make you assume that this would mean that you step out of the way and let God do the necessary. There may even be a a concept of allowing God to work through you and you just get
Out of the way. Well let's come to know a different aspect.
God wants to work with you. In tandem with your WILL. God wants you to realize your part.
Man tends to tell us that we should never walk but sit down. God tells you to run and fly as He becomes the guide of your feet or the wind to hold you up. He wants you to realize your potential. He created you to perform the greater works. Let's get started.
Declaration Pray
Heavenly Father you are the creator of all there is. I acknowledge that you created me for purpose. I accept the awareness of myself and you. I repent of my lack of performance and step forward today. I will be an instrument of the Most High. I will awaken to the DAILY call on my life and in you will I live, move and have my being. I interconnect with you and move in sync with you. You are in me and I am in you.
So let it be in me, Hallelujah!!