We need our senses in order to walk. We need not only our eyes but ears or touch etc. Imagine a blind man walking, he seems to be more aware of his senses than a man with sight. In retrospect use your senses sometimes you need more than just one to see clearly.
Remember the part of the definition of faith, the evidence of things NOT seen. So in order to have blind faith you have to use your other senses. Reminder to manifest it’s not just believing but your actions contribute to creation. So don’t just have faith but walk in it. Do as if you see it, like a blind man feel around for it, listen for it. Know that it is there I just have to be ready when it comes but I step toward my faith.
Don’t forget fear because we see through its eyes more often than not. It not only blinds us but brings false emotions that appear real, as they say. Through fear we tend to stop and not move or go backwards. So if you feel yourself struggling with the decision to move, the answer is not if you should move but when and which direction.
Don’t get me wrong even if you stand still and wait you are in faith. It is what you see that matters. Because you are preparing to move with intention. You are still moving in stillness but with the other senses. You are not blind to your surroundings but completely aware and completely seeing. But have no fear!
Walk by faith not by sight
Good Morning! Most High be praised! 🙏🏾❤️
Melinda Haas - The Hebrew word Emunah means faith that results in faithfulness, implying action. Faith = action.