We hear the word harvest and excitement fills our mind. We dream over an overwhelming bounty and abundant blessings. But are you aware that you have to work for it?
Reaping is work, doesn't mean that it falls into your lap. Doesn't mean that someone is going to simply knock on your door like a tv show and hand you a prize. You have to go out into the field, get your proper tools and grab it.
What does that look like? How do you start? Here's an example:
-Seek/pray for a vision (in faith)
-Declare that it shall be done (know it)
-Create that vision (bring it to reality)
-Pray to bless the creation (in gratitude)
-Harvest the blessings of increase (in humility)
-Praise God (thanksgiving & joy)
You are made to create in the likeness of The Creator! Let's create!
”And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.“
Genesis 1:26 KJV
Let's pray
To the Creator of all things, I honor you with my love. I also open my heart to receive your love. In my communing I am grateful for the world you made for me. I acknowledge the law of sowing and reaping.
As your child I request the vision of what I should plant in this season. According to your divine timing, guide me in sowing for the proper harvest and keep me in alignment to receive.
As I create, bless my hands with the ability to create and complete all tasks in excellence. I am grateful for the opportunities you place in my hands right now and will do it. No obstacle shall stop me with your help and guidance.
As your child, I speak into the atmosphere and declare that as I am reaping on earth I am also reaping in Heaven. For this is your reward for those that seek the Most High.
And it is so, I await the vision
(Following prayer, take a moment to meditate for the vision.)