The best high vibrational activity is love. Let me tell you it is instant gratification and has great returns! Fall in love with love! But be sincere don’t do it expecting the return.
-If there is someone in your life that is not easy to love, find an anonymous way to lift their spirit. DoorDash their favorite meal or drink!
-If you have someone that you haven’t said “I love you” to in a long time, say it.
-Mail a “thank you” card to someone.
-Send someone music
-Play a game with your children
-Tell someone how beautiful they are
-Introduce one friend to another and create a new relationship!
You see “Love does a body good”! I know because you are already smiling reading this post. Your level is already increased and you haven’t even done it yet! That quick! Today also don’t forget to take time in the new secret place and be still, expect nothing and you will receive everything ❤️