“Quantum physics brings us a new kind of reality, in which it is our task to unlock our potential and to free us from our ignorance, the biggest shadow of all.” - Diogo Valadas Ponte
Below is a piece of an article written by Ponte on the Quantum Field and the Spiritual Mind. What God needs you to focus on in this article is the concept of thought and it’s power to change others…
Consciousness Is a Cosmic Property “
An important concept that arises in the Quantum phenomena concerns the wholeness of the physical reality. By the concept of wholeness, we mean that seemingly separated things can be connected and can act instantaneously on each other over arbitrarily long distances.
In a holistic universe, decisions made by an observer in one part of the world can have an instantaneous effect on the outcome of processes somewhere else, an arbitrarily long distance away. For example, a thought that appears in my mind at this moment may instantly appear in your thinking somewhere else, in another part of the world. In physics, we speak of “nonlocality”, when two particles, which at one time interact and then move away from one another, can stay connected and act as though they were one thing, no matter how far apart they are.
In the world of ordinary things, no influence or signal can travel at a speed faster than the speed of light. Thus, any action taken at one part of the world can have an effect somewhere else only after the time that it takes for a signal to get from one point to the other.
In the quantum world, the situation is different: Influences can act instantaneously over arbitrarily long distances; in principle, from one end of the universe to another.”
So from a quantum perspective your thoughts can change the thoughts of others. Through not only the translations of thought into words but almost telepathically to an extent. Think of it this way, your thoughts create a mood, which creates an atmosphere that changes the room and everyone in it.
Pray that you are conscious of your thoughts especially in interpretation, counseling or healing. This is the practice of High Vibrational frequency to produce a positive outcome.
“casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” - 2 Corinthians 10:5 KJV