The definition of released is: allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free. allow (something) to move, act, or flow freely.
Maya Angelou wrote a book entitled "I know why the caged bird sings". I am not commenting on the details of the book but just the title gives the revelation. There is a point where you have been the bird in the box for so long that you mistake it for a womb of comfort.
To be in this make shift womb is to condense your world to what is close to you (comfortable). You accept that comfort is all there is and complacency settles in. Then you say life has given me lemons so I will make lemonade and sing. But you have WINGS, bird!
In this cage/box you cannot escape, you cannot move, you cannot act and you cannot flow freely! You believe the lie that somehow you are free! Yes you have even made lemonade that tastes so sweet in your current circumstances of life but no Neo you are still in the matrix!
Unplug, get free, escape and FLY! You were fashioned with wings to fly!
To be released sometimes you automatically fly from the cage, others must be taught to fly first then there are others that are just kicked out because the cage is getting to small! Although being kicked out doesn’t mean you will fly!
The Most High is preparing you for a Release to ensure you FLY! No longer accept your current circumstances in the physical world nor the spiritual. Don’t settle for lemonade under the shade when you can fly higher than the lemon trees.
Prepare to be RELEASED, to flow freely in the Spirit 🙏🏾 ❤️
Most High is waiting