Spiritual Emancipation: This means to express the truth by experiencing true self-knowledge. Who are you in the Spirit. Becoming aware of or conscious of your true eternal connection to the "I am that I am"! The giver of eternal life not just this momentary experience.
Yes you must evaluate yourself constantly. You are not finished yet. You are not truly free without a few things. Even though today there has been a physical freeing of the slaves there still remains the economical, emotional and spiritual slavery.
To truly break chains you have to go deeper in self not just war with another. You have to fortify you.
You know you are a slave if...
Symptom= you doubt God or yourself
Remedy= spiritual understanding, faith
Symptom= unable to let go of bad relationships, separation issues, fear of being alone
Remedy= spiritual sight, discernment, communing with Holy Spirit often, self love
Symptom= materialistic desires, always wanting more stuff (attraction to prosperity messages)
Remedy= desire to help others, serving God
Symptom= fear of current events (wars, economic collapse etc...)
Remedy= transcendental mindset, study and not repeat the mistakes of the past history, trust God
Symptom= physical self damage (food, sex, drug or emotional bad environment), note that sex in or outside of marriage can be self damaging, check your intentions), gratifying the senses.
Remedy= self care, seek Holy Spirit for lifestyle changes
Symptom= Thoughts like... I am already free, I don't need to be freed, I am pure, I go to church, fast, pay tithes and pray so that's all to it
Remedy= Ask God, accept God's answer about you and free yourself, see you in the Spirit
Consider you 🙏🏾❤️
Thank you. I needed this
When we arrive at a doctor’s office for a well check, we are given a self-assessment form to check off any symptoms we may have had or that we may be currently experiencing. This self-assessment must be completed BEFORE we are even SEEN by the physician or practitioner because it helps the physician determine the right remedy, treatment course, and prescription to lead to healing and total wholeness. It does not matter if you completed this self-assessment form in previous visits. Every time we go into the doctor’s office, this self-assessment form must be completed before we are even SEEN by the physician or practitioner! In the same way, every time we meet with the Most High, may we consider ourselves in the accurate identification of symptoms, so that the accurate remedy, treatment course, and prescription for healing can be given. 🙏🏾❤️