As you may have noticed that this spiritual journey starts with you. If you are the vessel through which; healing, seeing, interpretation must flow then there can be no blocks. This is why you are so important.
In order to be truly used by Most High in accuracy and power, you must understand more of ourselves.In knowing yourself you trust the flow of God in you. Some ask themselves all the time, “I know God is able but why or how can He use me?”. It’s your yes aligned with the power of God that manifests through the spiritual gifts.
The word “yes” has a power that magnifies beyond our understanding just like a peeble dropped in a lake. When we say yes we align our gift of FREE WILL. Therefore opening ourself to many possibilities. We also say we believe and agree with our yes. Although we are open we have the FREE WILL to change the outcome as well or stop the flow.
With this concept in mind we have to “consider ourself”. Energy is the invisible physical force of WILL. As stated in our most recent class that it is all around us and working through us originating from the Most High. We experience it without being conscious of it. Now it is time to see it. Now it is time to understand and respect the power of God working through us.
Our recent fast intentionally transformed us through high vibrational thoughts to begin to see the cause and effect of negative influence. We also see the freedom of energy flowing through us and what blocks it. Your thoughts (belief) are important as well as your actions. It could be a thought that blocks your physical freedom, such as when Jesus healed through forgiveness of sin (mental). It can also be a negative thought that permits negative energy or other known as “demonic” forces that reside in a person. Such as the man pledged with the legion. They constantly “talk” you into thinking that they should reside. It wasn’t until Christ commanded them to “Go” until the person was delivered.
So you see the direction of why we must understand energy flow and healing. As well as analyzing our thoughts.
Deepak Chopra notes in an article regarding balancing energy flow, “Through energy healing modalities, you can break the energetic patterns that have been holding you back. As your frequency is raised, reaching for more positive thoughts and belief systems becomes easier. You can become centered in your own energy field, rather than other people, places, and events. With that, you feel more creative, inspired, and aware.”
In other words, God can use you!
Remember your Homework: Begin to open your mind to understanding energy flow by dancing or qigong movements. Allow high/good vibrations to flow through you. Notice that power and ask Holy Spirit to permit you to see it. Practice often.
To God be all the Glory for His Power🙏🏾❤️