In all things there is balance. When we go to our Heavenly Father for guidance we are asking to balance the circumstances. Most often we are shown the situation as a whole and not parts. Then we can see what actions will balance the equation.
As a Father/Teacher, the Most High wants us to begin to walk on our own and practice what we preach. In light of that fact you must begin to see things differently.
For example, someone says or does something negative towards you and you respond to it negatively. This you believe is balance. But on a scale it is now tipped towards the negative. Now if you refuse that negative action, understanding that this person is coming from a place of pain you can decide to control your response and not partake in the pain. Then the scale is balanced. You can only control you.
Easier said than done? Remember that the only obstacle here is emotion. Choose to balance the emotion.
Peace be with you always
🙏🏾❤️ One Love