We serve a God of Balance and there is balance in all things. Light and dark, decrease and increase or love and hate. Our Creator uses all things to teach, groom and grow you. Even death brings life.
When we realize that life takes balance, we understand the ups and downs. We comprehend the even distribution of how the bad doesn't out weigh the good, it actually balances it.
The phrase says, "we learn from our mistakes". There is also a another phrase that says, "it ain't all bad". Both imply that there is balance in our lives. Looking at somethings that may seem to be out of favor as opportunities of balance may not seem so crazy. But it actually is a universal truth.
This is why miracles are performed. To even the scale and restore balance to your life. How would we even know the discription of peace without chaos. How would we know God as a worker of miracles without the circumstance to perform within.
So in the divine intelligence of the Most High there is a father that teaches, grooms and grows to create a you that is ultimately the best version of you. Adding and removing through the counter balance of good and bad. He is the potter and you are the clay!
The Wisdom of Solomon 11:21-26, 12:1 (Apocrypha)
For thou canst shew thy great strength at all times when thou wilt; and who may withstand the power of thine arm?
For the whole world before thee is as a little grain of the balance, yea, as a drop of the morning dew that falleth down upon the earth.
But thou hast mercy upon all; for thou canst do all things, and winkest at the sins of men, because they should amend.
For thou lovest all the things that are, and abhorrest nothing which thou hast made: for never wouldest thou have made any thing, if thou hadst hated it.
And how could any thing have endured, if it had not been thy will? or been preserved, if not called by thee?
But thou sparest all: for they are thine, O Lord, thou lover of souls.
For thine incorruptible Spirit is in all things.
Think on these things and there is no reason to complain.
One Love ❤️