Be still, take a moment and consider your heart. What is this love that you have for the Most High? What is its nature?"
Eros is all about romance, passion, and attraction.
Pragma is sometimes translated to practical love.
Ludus is very flirtatious and fun.
Philia is the love that develops over time.
Storge is the love shared between family or friend.
Philautia Is self love.
Agape is selfless love.
We immediately run to agape and would like to think that this represents the love we have for our creator. However what does Most High say about your love. What is the truth of your love?
Has it grown over time, comes with conditions? Is it practical or do you want to just save yourself from hell so you love to avoid that? Now let's stop guessing and go to the Father and ask the question of your relationship. What kind of love is this?
"Agape is the love in marriage that holds a couple—and a family—together through all kinds of season."