God desires that we live in peace, He specifically speaks of a “sound mind”. To further define this we can say a mind free of clutter. How do you know that you have a cluttered mind? Try to meditate longer than 20mins lol. You begin to wonder on other things with no stillness concentration or PEACE.
As a healer, seer, interpreter you are at your best when you are at peace. The world calls it High Frequency or High Vibration. In other words Peace of Mind.
We have gone over a lot of soul work to recognize our level of love and the other attributes we need to remove. Having done this work we need to set an environment that promotes this existence. As they say “if Mama ain’t ok, nobody is”! So take care of Mama 🥰.
Practice cultivating a peaceful environment around you.
- Clean out physical clutter in your home (include closets and cabinets)
- Play your favorite songs (car/home)
- sound therapy
- Remove gossip or idle chatter from your conversation
- Use scented candles, incense or oil diffusers
- smell therapy
- Tend to the plants in your home, if you don’t have them , purchase plants
- plant therapy
- Write in your journal, quick thought of the day (good/bad)
- Dance, take a moment for you and create your own dance floor. Be liberated and free in movement therapy.
short article on sound healing….
Seek Out Sound Healing
For thousands of years, sound has been utilized in various cultures as a tool for healing and finding balance. You can bring this same energy into your space by feeling into the frequency. Does it feel good when you listen? Do you feel uplifted and peaceful? When it comes to sound, we can use rhythm and frequency to facilitate shifts in our brainwaves, moving from our normal waking state (beta) to a state of relaxed consciousness (alpha) or even a meditative (theta) or sleep (delta) state. During sound therapy, tuning forks, gongs, chimes, and soft crystal bowls are used to create particular frequencies that guide the brain into a more subdued and receptive theta state. You can bring the power of music into your space with intention and purpose.